Version 8.5.3 (23.01.2025)
- Fixed issue using the modern Notepad app from Microsoft to show text, instead it will be saved as a text file.
- Updated the NuGet-Packages
- New version of the NETsec LogViewer version 2.14.0, which fixed search issue within the log file.
Version 8.5.2 (12.12.2024)
- Resolved conflicts when analyzing the source domain property during import
- Fixed issue sending email via Exchange Online
Version 8.5.1 (26.11.2024)
- Expanded logging to check for objects to delete or mark for deletion.
- Added matching conflict resolution, if two or more objects in the target match an object in the data file,
then an object is prioritized based on matching type. - Fixed issue to compare accepted domain by mail users.
- Updated the NuGet-Packages
- contactSync: Fixed issue creating contacts via Microsoft Graph
- New version of the NETsec LogViewer version 2.13.0
Version 8.5 (06.11.2024)
As of version 8.5, GALsync supports Microsoft Graph to access mailboxes in Exchange Online.
The changes in the assigned API permissions of an existing App Registration in the Microsoft Entra ID,
which are necessary to use Microsoft Graph to access mailboxes in Exchange Online,
are described in the "How to switch to Microsoft Graph to access mailboxes in Exchange Online" chapter in the manual.
Please note, Microsoft has announced that on 1. October 2026 blocking Exchange Web Services (EWS) requests from non-Microsoft apps to Exchange Online.
- GALsync requires .NET Framework 4.8, Windows PowerShell 5.1 and ExchangeOnlineManagement PowerShell module version 3.6 or later for Exchange Online PowerShell V3.
The ExchangeOnlineManagement PowerShell module needs to be installed or updated on the GALsync Server, so GALsync can directly communicate with a Microsoft 365 Exchange Online tenant. - The behavior when exporting members of a selected group for policies, that export from Exchange Online, has been adapted to the behavior when exporting from on-premises.
The members of a group selected in the policy are resolved, even if a RecipientTypeDetails for exporting the group is missing from the Exportable RecipientTypeDetails list of the selected group. - Added the Retain targetAddress of original remote objects option in the Import Settings, which retains the targetAddress while importing an object that has a remote RecipientTypeDetails value, e.g. RemoteUserMailbox, in the RecipientTypeDetails tag or in the original RecipientTypeDetails tag of the data file object. Please note, this option is enabled for newly created import policies by default.
- Added RemoteUserMailbox RecipientTypeDetails for Synchronize User by default.
- Fixed issue to show the environment selection on the General tab of old non-migrated policies.
- Fixed issue reading emails with attachments.
- New version of the NETsec LogViewer version 2.12.0
- Updated the NuGet-Packages and Setup
Version 8.4.6 (09.09.2024)
- In an on-premises Exchange scenario that only has Active Directory Preparation but no Exchange Server,
it is now possible to connect to the Exchange Online mailbox of an external Microsoft 365 tenant using certificate-based authentication. - It’s now possible to synchronize with on-premises Active Directory in an Exchange Online scenario with a connected on-premises Active Directory,
that has Active Directory Preparation in which the Active Directory Schema has extended Exchange properties and where the GALsync Server is member of. - Fixed issue synchronizing imported contacts as members to existing group,
if source objects are members in multiple groups and the selected source groups are nested. - New version of the NETsec LogViewer version 2.11.0
- Handling of NUL character added.
- contactSync: NickName attribute of contacts can be synchronized from Shared Mailbox or Public Folder.
Version 8.4.5 (06.08.2024)
- Object Filter Rule expanded with conditions 'is match' for a Regular Expression Pattern and 'is null or empty'.
- New version of the NETsec LogViewer version 2.10.0
- Updated the NuGet-Packages and Setup
Version 8.4.4 (18.07.2024)
- Fixed issue searching for the on-premises Exchange Web Services URL using a dedicated account.
- Fixed issue importing all files from networkshare.
- Handling of some whitespace characters added.
- contactSync: Fixed issue to set "Mark synchronized contacts as private" for mailbox contacts synchronized from Public Folder or Shared Mailbox.
- contactSync: Fixed issue to find the selected shared mailbox in Exchange Online.
- Update the NuGet-Packages
Version 8.4.3 (25.06.2024)
- Fixed issue converting mailbox selection of contactSync policies.
- Please backup the configuration before you install the latest version.
- Backup: Select Action -> Export Configuration to compress your Environment Configuration and Policy configuration to a zip file.
- New version of the NETsec LogViewer version 2.9.0
- Expanded logging when sending emails.
- Update the NuGet-Packages and Setup
Version 8.4.2 (15.05.2024)
As of version 8.4.2, user account objects that are disabled are no longer exported from on-premises Active Directory by default.
Enable the 'Synchronize disabled user accounts' option in the Export Settings to export disabled user objects from on-premises.
- Fixed issue creating new contacts for on-premises Exchange
- Fixed resolving Dynamic Distribution Group members from on-premises Exchange if the filter for mobile/mobilePhone or telephoneNumber/Phone is used.
- Update the NuGet-Packages and Setup
- contactSync: As of version 8.4.2, user account objects that are disabled are no longer synchronized as contacts from on-premises Active Directory by default.
- Enable the 'Synchronize disabled user accounts' option in the contactSync Settings to synchronize disabled user objects as contacts from on-premises.
- contactSync: Delete selected contact folder in the mailboxes during the next execution
Version 8.4.1 (15.04.2024)
- Fixed issue exporting from a Microsoft 365 U.S. Government GCC High tenant.
- Expanded logging and error handling for import option 'Build the cn of the distinguishedName'.
- Update the NuGet-Packages and Setup
Version 8.4.0 (10.04.2024)
As of version 8.4, GALsync requires .NET Framework 4.8, Windows PowerShell 5.1 and ExchangeOnlineManagement PowerShell module version 3.4 or later for Exchange Online PowerShell V3. The ExchangeOnlineManagement PowerShell module needs to be installed or updated on the GALsync Server, so GALsync can directly communicate with a Microsoft 365 Exchange Online tenant.
- Expanded logging of the matching during the import policy run a data file object with an existing object in the target environment. There can be different matches, for example the primary SMTP address of the data file object to the primary SMTP address of the existing object in the target, the primary SMTP address of the data file object to the secondary SMTP address of the existing object in the target and even more combinations. For each matching combination a counter is added to the detailed summary in the log file and the status notification email.
- The General tab of the Import Settings for an Exchange Online policy has the additional option 'Mark synchronized guest users to delete'.
- Two additional default rules have been added to the Object Filter of the Export Settings for Export Policies, so MailUsers and GuestUsers, which are marked for deletion, will not be exported by GALsync.
Additional rules for export from on-premises
extensionAttribute 1-15 contains MailUser can be deleted:
extensionAttribute 1-15 contains GuestUser can be deleted:
Additional rules for export from Exchange Online
CustomAttribute 1-15 contains MailUser can be deleted:
CustomAttribute 1-15 contains GuestUser can be deleted:
- As of version 8.4, objects that are hidden from address lists are no longer exported from Exchange Online by default. Enable the 'Synchronize objects hidden from address lists' option on the General tab of the Export Settings to also export objects, that are hidden from address lists, from Exchange Online.
- As of version 8.4, it is possible to migrate a selected Recipient Type on the Directory tab of an Exchange Online export policy to a dynamic distribution group.
- New version of the NETsec LogViewer version 2.8.0
- Update the NuGet-Packages and substitute deprecated NuGet-Packages
- contactSync: For all contactSync policy types it is possible to select the mailboxes in both on-premises and Exchange Online in a hybrid Exchange environment on the mailbox tab. Provided that the Exchange Online mailboxes have not been selected by Recipient Type in existing policies.
- contactSync: contactSync synchronizes contacts directly from a public folder to user mailboxes in your Exchange environment, whether it is in Exchange on-premises or Exchange Online. In Hybrid Exchange environments contactSync can access public folders and mailboxes in both locations.
* contactSync: Please note, during the first contactSync policy run after upgrading GALsync from an older version than 8.4.0, it may update all previously synchronized contacts in the mailboxes.
Version 8.3.4 (17.11.2023)
- Invalid characters such as hexadecimal value 0x13 (DC3) will be removed from the data file to prevent errors.
- Invalid characters such as hexadecimal value 0x13 (DC3) will also be removed in the source value and message value of a log entry.
- NETsec LogViewer version 2.6.0 handles invalid characters and a context menu for the search result is available.
Version 8.3.3 (02.11.2023)
As of version 8.3.3, the Synchronize User tab of the Import Settings has been redesigned to allow only updating existing mail users without creating new mail users by GALsync.
- 'Synchronize user with RecipientTypeDetails as mail-enabled user' option is renamed to 'Synchronize mail-enabled user / mail user' on the Synchronize User tab of the Import Settings.
- Fixed issue disconnecting PowerShell connections from Exchange Online.
- contactSync: Fixed issue synchronizing properties for Public Folder and Shared Mailboxes.
Version 8.3.2 (04.10.2023)
- Fixed issue connecting Exchange Web Services while running scheduled policies by GALsyncService.
Version 8.3.1 (28.09.2023)
- Fixed issue running old policies, which are not migrated to an Environment Configuration.
Version 8.3 (21.09.2023)
As of version 8.3, contactSync module can now also synchronize contacts from a Shared Mailbox into user mailboxes located in the same Exchange environment.
- NETsec LogViewer version 2.5.0
- Update NETsec.RemotePowerShellLibrary, NETsec.PowerShellLibrary and other NuGet-Packages
- As of version 8.3, GALsync no longer uses Autodiscover to detect the Exchange Web Services URL for Exchange Online any longer. Instead it uses the default Exchange Web Services URL for Exchange Online world-wide: Otherwise please use the manual setting for the Exchange Web Services URL for Exchange Online.
- Added conditions for object filter rule: not contains, not equals, not start with, not ends with
- The invalid character with hexadecimal value 0x1E will be removed in the property value of object for the export.
- The invalid character with hexadecimal value 0x1E and 0x1F will be removed in the source value and message value of a log entry.
- Fixed issue importing status via Import Status menu.
- contactSync: Additional Public Folder Settings to insert the primary SMTP address of the content mailbox of the selected public folder to gain optimal synchronization performance.
- contactSync: Migrated contactSync policies always have Application Impersonation enabled for Exchange Online mailbox access.
- contactSync: Expand logging for Exchange Web Services (EWS).
- config.xml has a setting to change the EWS ItemView PageSize.
Version 8.2 (04.07.2023)
As of version 8.2, GALsync uses the REST-based Exchange Online PowerShell v3 module to communicate with Exchange Online. So now, in addition to Windows PowerShell 5.1, GALsync requires ExchangeOnlineManagement PowerShell module version 3.1.x for Exchange Online PowerShell V3.
- GALsync supports to 'Modify existing contacts with source domain'. This option allows to migrate the export policy in a hybrid Exchange environment from the on-premises component to the Exchange Online component of a hybrid Exchange environment, and from the Exchange Online component to the on-premises component of a hybrid Exchange environment.
- Fixed new line issue of the info attribute (Notes)
- Fixed reading new line from data file object.
- Fixes the problem that during the creation of PowerShell scripts for searching existing objects or deleting objects, it does not try to set the managers or group members.
- contactSync: Expanded configuration of 'Modity or delete existing contacts with source domain'.
- contactSync: Old contactSync policy is checked before migration to an Environment Configuration that the policy does not have Full Access configured to access for Exchange Online mailboxes.
- contactSync: Fixed issue comparing contacts.
Version 8.1.10 (11.05.2023)
- Fixed issue executing policies with the service
Version (09.05.2023)
- Fixed carriage return issue relating to new line in the info attribute (Notes).
- Fixed reading new line from object on data file.
- Fixed issue adding license file.
Version 8.1.8 (30.03.2023)
- Fixed issues modifying Application Credential for Exchange Online of the Environment Configuration.
- Expand logging, if same smtp address for multiple objects is detected during synchronize to Exchange Online.
Version 8.1.7 (02.03.2023)
- Fixed issue searching for objects in Exchange Online.
- The invalid character with hexadecimal value 0x1F will be removed in the property value of object for the export.
- contactSync can build a value for the CarPhone (OtherMobile), OtherFax (OtherFacsimileTelephoneNumber) or OtherTelephone (OtherTelephone) property of the mailbox contacts.
Version 8.1.6 (07.02.2023)
- Fixed issue with old Exchange Online policies, which are not migrated to an Environment Configuration.
Version 8.1.5 (25.01.2023)
- Customization of the resource URI via the Office365 Mail API endpoint for scopes request to access protected API of the different Azure Cloud instances during certificate-based authentication. Please note, that user-based authentication via OAuth 2.0 works only for the Microsoft Azure Public Cloud instance.
- Fixed issue searching for Application Access Policies.
Version 8.1.4 (11.01.2023)
- The default RecipientTypeDetails list for synchronization has been extended to include Remote User Mailbox, Remote Room Mailbox, Remote Equipment Mailbox and Remote Shared Mailbox.
- Fixed issue selecting include nested groups option
Version 8.1.3 (17.11.2022)
- contactSync: Fixed issue synchronizing personalTitle attribute to title attribute of mailbox contact.
Version 8.1.2 (15.11.2022)
- Expand logging to check if Application Access Policies exist
- contactSync: Added synchronization of generation attribute (suffix) of Public Folder contacts.
- contactSync: Fixed issue on the 'Access to Mailboxes' tab.
Version 8.1.1 (09.11.2022)
- Changed default group option on the group option dialog to Only Membership
- contactSync: Added synchronization of title attribute of Public Folder contacts.
- contactSync: Added synchronization of personalTitle attribute of on-premises objects as title attribute of contacts into mailboxes.
- contactSync: Added option: Delete all unmatched mailbox contacts during the next execution.
All contacts in the selected folder and sub-folders of mailboxes that are not synchronized by the contactSync policy will be deleted once.
Version 8.1.0 (02.11.2022)
As of GALsync version 8.1, the certificate-based authentication method to establish a connection to Exchange Online is available in the Environment Configuration. Exchange Online connections using the certificate-based authentication method, Azure AD App Permissions of a registered application are used for access.
- Updated RemotePowerShellLibrary supports Exchange Online PowerShell V3 module.
- Fixed issue using the "No Exchange Server available. Only Active Directory Preparation." option in the Environment Configuration
- contactSync: Added synchronization of MiddleName and CountryOrRegion attributes of Public Folder contacts.
- contactSync: Fixed issues synchronizing Photos and multiline attributes of Public Folder contacts.
- contactSync: Added synchronization of CountryOrRegion attribute of on-premises objects as contacts into mailboxes.
Version 8.0.5 (14.09.2022)
- contactSync: Fixed issue searching Exchange Online mailboxes
Version 8.0.4 (25.08.2022)
- contactSync: Fixed issue accessing Exchange Online mailboxes for synchronizing contacts
Version 8.0.3 (04.08.2022)
- contactSync: Fixed issue searching mailboxes of an on-premises Exchange
Version 8.0.2 (02.08.2022)
- Fixed issue writing Exchange Online objects Distinguished Name to data file.
- Logging expanded for saving attachments.
Version 8.0.1 (18.05.2022)
- In a Hybrid Exchange environment, the on-premises service account no longer needs an on-premises Exchange mailbox if the Exchange Online service account mailbox is to be used.
- The GALsync Service can be installed with a local account on a standalone server for Exchange Online cloud-only scenarios.
Version 8.0 (02.05.2022)
With GALsync version 8.0 you need to setup the environment settings via the new "Environment Configuration" to use your old policies from further GALsync version or to setup new synchronization policies.
- GALsync supports Modern Authentication for Exchange Online PowerShell.
- GALsync requires Windows PowerShell 5.1 and the ExchangeOnlineManagement PowerShell module for Exchange Online PowerShell V2.
- Updated RemotePowerShellLibrary and NETsec LogViewer2.
- New policies will export mastered-on-premise objects from Exchange Online by default.
- Fixed behaviour of export policies from Exchange Online. The primary SMTP address of the EmailAddresses will not change by GALsync for the data file object anymore, except the option "Compatible with version 7 and earlier versions" is enabled.
- Please have a look at the Upgrade Instructions for migrating your synchronization scenario, if export policies from Exchange Online are using.
- Existing policies, which export from Exchange Online, have enable the option "Compatible with version 7 and earlier versions".
- Expanded value of the Source Domain property of the imported object.
- After update, the first import policy run will update the value of the Source Domain property of all imported objects.
- Fixed issue comparing group members in Exchange Online
- Fixed saving the RemotePowershellCredentials in the policy XML file.
Version 7.6.10 (15.02.2022)
- Fixed issue by synchronize pictures for mail users into an on-premises Active Directory.
Version 7.6.9 (10.02.2022)
- Fixed issue comparing contacts and mail users by import into Exchange Online if mark options at the GALsync Settings tab are set.
Version 7.6.8 (31.01.2022)
- Expanded log entries for GALsync import to Exchange Online
Version 7.6.7 (02.12.2021)
- Set the UserAccountControl attribute for new created mail users in an on-premises Active Directory to ACCOUNTDISABLE and NORMAL_ACCOUNT.
- Fixed issue adding the imported contacts of group members as members to an existing group of the target environment.
- Fixed issue matching the property value for adding contacts as members to an existing group of the target environment.
Version 7.6.6 (31.08.2021)
- Exclude updating Phone and Mobile Phone for mail users and guest users in Exchange Online. Microsoft has changed the Exchange Online PowerShell command Set-User and excluded updating Phone and Mobile Phone for security reason.
Version 7.6.5 (07.07.2021)
- Logging expanded, if reading objects from on-premises Active Directory
- New NETsec LogViewer version 2.3.0
- Fixed issue showing message boxes
- contactSync: Logging expanded for email addresses of existing contacts
- contactSync: Fixed issue fetching email address from legacyExchangeDN if mailboxes are processed concurrently
Version 7.6.4 (07.04.2021)
- NETsec LogViewer Version 2.2.0 opens log files larger than 2.3 GB
- Issue fixed for checking connection the Exchange mailbox of the service account
- contactSync: Mailboxes that failed to be accessed are also written to the end of the log file for a better overview
Version 7.6.3 (19.03.2021)
- The count of elements in the filter condition of the Get-User PowerShell command of Exchange Online has been changed by Microsoft.
The count of elements in the filter condition of the Get-User PowerShell command for Exchange Online is reduced accordingly to prevent the Exchange Online PowerShell error with the reason "ADFilterException" and the message "The total number of explicit and implicit subfilters exceeds maximum allowed number of 250. Processing stopped." - Remote PowerShell ErrorStream handling expanded.
Version 7.6.2 (22.02.2021)
- Fixed display error on general Exchange tab
Version 7.6.1 (09.02.2021)
- Logging expanded, if userPrincipalName of a new created MailUser exists in the on-premises Active Directory forest.
- Fixed issue with handling existing UserPrincipalName in the target on-premises Active Directory forest.
- contactSync: Fixed issues with the Property Rule Editor.
Version 7.6. (07.01.2021)
Since GALsync version 7.6 contactSync module can synchronize contacts into multiple mailboxes concurrently
- Expanded handling of Exchange Web Services (EWS) server-side throttling
- Fixed issue with manual Exchange Web Services (EWS) URL for Access to Mailboxes
- Fixed issue with multiline values in the Body attribute, which is shown in Notes of Outlook Contact
- Fixed issue with Modern Authentication for EWS by cloning a policy
- Fixed issue with deleting a policy with Modern Authentication for EWS
Version 7.5.7 (10.09.2020)
- contactSync can build a value for the NickName property of the mailbox contacts.
Version 7.5.6 (30.06.2020)
- GALsync Service Wizard expanded to install the service with a local account on a standalone server. The local account will be required to use Modern Authentication for Office 365 Exchange Online on a standalone server.
Version 7.5.5 (24.06.2020)
- Fixed issue with selecting Exportable RecipientTypeDetails for Exchange Online
- contactSync: Fixed issue with filtering mailboxes by RecipientTypeDetails
Version 7.5.4 (08.06.2020)
- Fixed issue creating objects with enabled option "Import only primary SMTP address" in Exchange Online
Version 7.5.3 (27.04.2020)
- Logging expanded, if current user cannot decrypt the token for Exchange Web Services
- contactSync: the AssistantName attribute can be synchronized optionally
Version (02.04.2020)
- Information text extended on the GALsync Exchange Tab and in the manual.
Version 7.5.2 (30.03.2020)
- Support Exchange Online mailbox for mailing in a hybrid scenario.
- Update to NETsec LogViewer version 2.0.1
- Logging expanded for RecipientTypeDetails of the object, that will not be created as mail user.
- Fixed issue to modify objects if the "Synchronize imported contacts as members to existing group" feature is on.
- Fixed issue to modify objects if only a small amount of objects is to modify.
- Fixed issue with left double quotation marks and right double quotation marks for PowerShell commands
- Fixed issue with policy scheduler
- Fixed issue exporting group member from Exchange Online
- Fixed issue with cancelling policy
Version 7.5.1 (05.02.2020)
- Fixed issue to run policies via the GALsyncService.
Version 7.5.0 (20.01.2020)
Since GALsync version 7.5 GALsync can synchronize existing Guest Users of an Office 365 tenant, but GALsync will not create nor delete Guest Users.
- Authenticate for Exchange Web Services (EWS) by using modern authentication OAuth to access Exchange Online in Office 365
- New design of the NETsec LogViewer
- Additional context menu for the log list on the status tab: Open log file, Export log file, Export all log files
- Set msExchRecipientTypeDetails and msExchRecipientDisplayType for mail-enabled contacts and universal groups during import into on-premises Exchange environment.
- Updated RemotePowerShellLibrary and TaskLibrary.
- GALsync compares property values during the import into an Office 365 Exchange Online tenant.
- Fixed issue to send emails to recipients, which mail address starts with underscore.
- Fixed issues with assigning managers during export and import. GALsync must be updated in both environments, if an object exists in the target environment, but cannot be added as manager during the import.
- Fixed issues with assigning of group members during export. GALsync must be updated in both environments, if an object exists in the target environment, but cannot be added as member of a group during the import.
- contactSync: Added RecipientTypeDetails filter after selecting the RecipientType on the Mailboxes tab for Exchange Online
- contactSync: Performance improvement if the LegacyExchangeDN needs to be translated to an smtp address for contacts in old mailboxes
Version 7.4.10 (15.07.2019)
- Added 'Set for all ...' option to the Search dialog for groups and OUs
- Fixed summary issue
- Fixed issues in the NETsec.RemotePowerShellLibrary
- License notification via e-mail
Version 7.4.9 (29.05.2019)
- Fixed issue with exporting old primary SMTP address
- Fixed issue with the order when selecting objects.
- Ends the policy when not all results could be received from Exchange Online.
- contactSync: Fixed issue on the credentials tab.
Version 7.4.8 (14.05.2019)
- contactSync: Fixed issue stopping the policy from the GUI
Version 7.4.7 (17.04.2019)
- RecipientTypeDetails list expanded, e.g.: GuestMailUser
- The properties msExchAssistantName/AssistantName and TelephoneAssistant can be synchronized optionally.
- LegacyExchangeDN property can be exported optionally from an Office 365 Exchange Online.
- Fixed issue during export manager.
- Fixed issue during synchronize groups into a target environment.
- Fixed issues in the NETsec.RemotePowerShellLibrary and updated NETsec.TaskLibrary
Version 7.4.6 (04.02.2019)
- Fixed issue with special characters in PowerShell commands
- Fixed issue with selecting dynamic distribution groups
- Adding secondary smtp addresses into proxyAddresses for MailUser
- Log entries added for Synchronize Manager during export from Office 365.
Version 7.4.5 (14.01.2019)
- Update to DotNetZip 1.12.0
- Counter for skipped mastered-on-premise objects
- Expanded logging for RemotePowerShell
- Fixed issue with mastered-on-premises objects during import to Exchange Online.
Version 7.4.4 (30.10.2018)
- Fixed issue with adding value during import
- Expand logging for analyze object of on-premises Active Directory
Version 7.4.3 (18.10.2018)
- Performance improvement for import into on-premises Active Directory
- Logging for remote PowerShell expanded
- Logging for transfer expanded
Version 7.4.2 (12.10.2018)
- contactSync: Search for mailboxes excluded mail-enabled users.
- contactSync: Logging expanded.
Version 7.4.1 (19.09.2018)
- Fixed issue with export all mail contacts from Office 365
- contactSync: Fixed issue with synchronize all mail contacts of an Office 365 into mailboxes
Version 7.4.0 (18.09.2018)
Since GALsync version 7.4 GALsync can synchronize users with defined RecipientTypeDetails as mail-enabled users
- Exchange Online: Export MailUser
- Exchange Online: Add Secondary smtp addresses feature
- contactSync: Fixed issue with duplicated e-mail addresses
Version 7.3.3 (09.08.2018)
- Expanded error handling of remote PowerShell
- contactSync: Fixed issue with synchronize picture and expanded logging
- contactSync: contactSync needs minimum Exchange 2010 SP1
Version 7.3.2 (26.07.2018)
- Fixed issue with synchronize group options in a sub-domain
- Fixed issue with resolving group members
Version 7.3.1 (24.07.2018)
- Fixed issue with reading property rules
- contactSync: Impersonation for access to the mailboxes to synchronize contacts
- contactSync: Synchronize existing contacts with another source domain
Version 7.3 (18.06.2018)
Since GALsync version 7.3 GALsync can synchronize imported contacts as members to existing groups. GALsync 7.3 needs .NET Framework 4.7.1.
- DevComponents DotNetBar update to Version 14.1.0
- Update to .NET Framework 4.7.1
- Write a value of an attribute during export
- Logging and status notification mail expanded with count of ignore objects and count of up-to-date objects.
- Fixed issue with LDAPS by sub-domains (on-premises)
- Fixed issue with "Only mark to delete"
- Fixed issue with scheduling a policy once a day
Version 7.2.12 (06.03.2018)
- DevComponents DotNetBar update to Version 14.1.0
- Property Rule Editor: The source for modifying attributes has been extended by mail (on-premise)
- Remote PowerShell ErrorStream handling expanded.
- Fixed issue with remove and create a PowerShell session.
Version 7.2.11 (22.01.2018)
- The source for modifying attributes has been extended by mailNickname
- Property Rule Editor has been extended for the on-premise Active Directory, the msRTCSIPPrimaryUserAddress attribute can be modified during import.
Version 7.2.10 (12.01.2018)
- contactSync: Allow synchronization into the well-known contact folder of the mailboxes
- contactSync: Changed default settings to "Synchronize an additional contact for each untagged contact" in the mailboxes
- Logging the value of the msExchDynamicDLFilter property and the value of the msExchDynamicDLBaseDN property of dynamic distribution groups (on-premise)
- Logging the RecipientPreviewFilter value of dynamic distribution groups (Exchange Online)
- RecipientTypeDetails: Rename RemoteMailbox to RemoteUserMailbox
Version 7.2.9 (05.12.2017)
- On-premise Active Directory setting: Use LDAP over SSL (LDAPS)
- Expanded additional Address Lists, GALsync can handle nested Address Lists
- Fixed issue with finish import into Exchange Online
Version 7.2.8 (07.11.2017)
- Fixed issue with "Exportable RecipientTypeDetails" in on-premise environments
- Added Active Directory version for Exchange 2016 CU6 and Exchange 2016 CU7
- Fixed issue with additional Address Lists in on-premise environments
Version 7.2.6 (24.10.2017)
- contactSync: Fixed issue with telephoneNumber property
- contactSync: Extended logging
- Fixed issue with remote PowerShell connection, if a ProxyAddressExistsException occurs
- Fixed issue with logger
Version 7.2.5 (11.10.2017)
- Fixed issue with analyze source domain.
- Fixed issue with empty property DisplayName for Exchange Online.
- Special "Modify all objects" option for Exchange Online import policy.
Version 7.2.4 (29.09.2017)
- Fixed issue with dynamic distribution groups, which should only resolve their members
- contactSync: Fixed issue with telephoneNumber property
Version 7.2.3 (20.09.2017)
- Fixed issue with trial mode
Version 7.2.2 (29.08.2017)
- Rules of the import Property Rule Editor can be modified.
- contactSync: The import option "Build property" can use the extensionAttribute 1-15 as source.
- Fixed issue with PowerShell commands, which have no results, i.e. the search "Get-Recipient *test*" has no result.
Version 7.2.1 (23.08.2017)
- Fixed issue with RecipientTypeDetails "Public Folder" and "Scheduling Mailbox"
Version 7.2 (17.08.2017)
- Since GALsync version 7.2 GALsync supports Office 365 Germany and exports Office 365 groups.
- GALsync 7.2 has a redesigned remote PowerShell management for Office 365 tenants.
- Exportable objects will be filtered by Recipient Type Details
Note: If the msExchRecipientTypeDetails / RecipientTypeDetails property is not set, the object will be synchronized independent of the filter settings.
- Export policy: Options of selected objects on the directory tab can be modified by a double-click.
- Synchronize group is incompatible to lower GALsync versions than GALsync version 7.2.0, otherwise you will receive an error if GALsync tries to import an Office 365 group as group.
- GALsync version 7.2 supports the local security option ”System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing”.
Note: If the local security option ”System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing” is enabled, GALsync 7.2.0 cannot communicate encrypted with older versions, i.e. GALsync 7.1.x.
- Office 365 credential is expanded to email address
- GALsync will try to reconnect broken remote PowerShell sessions to the Office 365 tenant during a policy run.
Note: If a PowerShell connection to the Office 365 tenant is broken, then GALsync will try to reconnect to the Office 365 tenant, but it may happen, that some data are not completely synchronized due to the broken connection. In this case GALsync will try to complete it in the next synchronization run. In worst case it can happened, that some existing contacts in the target environment of the synchronization will be deleted and that after they are re-created NDR issues in the target environment can occur.
- Office 365 setting: Renew remote Powershell session after x hours
- GALsync detects the Exchange Web Services URL for on-premise environments similar to Office 365 tenants.
- The Status Tab only shows the log files of the selected policy
- NETsecLogViewer allows drag and drop of log files.
- NETsecLogViewer reads CSV log files.
- NETsecLogViewer finalizes broken log files
- Fixed issue with exporting msExchRecipientTypeDetails property value
- Fixed issue with comparing ShowInAddressBook property if no Exchange is available.
- Fixed issue with modifying description property
- Fixed issue with FTP test button and networkshare test button
- Fixed issue with cancelling policy
- Fixed issue with saving subject of status notification email
- contactSync: License is changed to numbers of mailboxes
- contactSync: Fixed issue with deleting properties of Outlook contacts
- contactSync: Manager property will not be synchronized anymore
- A new license file is required for GALsync 7.2.
- If you run GALsync version 7.2 without a license you will not be able to export or import more than 100 objects for up to 21 days!
- If you run the contactSync module without a license you will not be able to import more than 20 objects for up to 21 days!
Version 7.1.7 (16.11.2016)
- Fixed issue with resolving members of DynamicDistributionList
- contactSync: Fixed issue with searching mailboxes for DynamicDistributionList
Version 7.1.5 (27.09.2016)
- Expand "additional secondary smtp addresses" feature:
- Removing whitespaces before validation
- "Import only primary SMTP address" option does not block the import of additional secondary smtp addresses anymore
Version 7.1.4 (21.09.2016)
- Add additional secondary email address feature extended. Now it is possible to add multiple secondary addresses.
Version 7.1.3 (07.09.2016)
- DynamicDistributionList contact can be added as member to a group
- contactSync module:
- PropertyMapping changed
- TelephoneNumber -> BusinessPhone
- IpPhone -> BusinessPhone2
- Assigning synchronized contacts as 'private'
- contactSync does not synchronize the mailNickname property as nickname into mailboxes anymore
Note: Exisiting nickname values of contacts in the mailboxes will not removed
- PropertyMapping changed
Version 7.1.2 (24.08.2016)
- Implemented search functionality to NETsec LogViewer
- msExchRecipientTypeDetails property will be exported by default (on-premise)
- RecipientTypeDetails property will be exported by default (Exchange Online)
- contactSync can ignore the mailNickname property for import into mailboxes
- GALsync can export the generationQualifier property optional from on-premise environments (On-Premise only)
- GALsync can use the generationQualifier property as source for the 'Build from properties' feature in the import policy (On-Premise only)
- contactSync: Fixed issue with property dialog on the contact folder tab
- Fixed issue with sip address synchronisation
Version 7.1.1 (25.07.2016)
- Optional export of the legacyExchangeDN from on-premise Exchange environments
- Optional import of the legacyExchangeDN as X500 address in the proxyAddresses
- Change behavior if "Import only primary SMTP address" and "Add additional secondary smtp address to proxyAddresses". The primary SMTP address and the additional secondary smtp address will now be imported to the proxyAddresses, all other secondary smtp addresses will be ignored.
- NETsec LogViewer will now show more details by double click on a log entry
- One log file and notification mail for each imported data file in one policy run, which imports the GAL into an on-premise Exchange environment or Exchange Online / Office 365 tenant.
Version 7.1.0 (11.07.2016)
In GALsync version 7.1, we added the contactSync module for an easier way to handle importing the Global Address List into a subfolder within an user’s Outlook Contacts.
- GALsync has a new icon
- Renamed "GALsyncLogViewer.exe" to "NETsecLogViewer.exe"
- Renamed "GALsyncPolicyExecuter.exe" to "NETsecPolicyExecuter.exe"
Note: if you use the Windows Task Scheduler for running the policies, you will have to correct the command in your scheduled tasks. - GALsync prevents the issue, that other existing objects will be modified, if an error occurs during object creation in the Office 365 tenant.
- Fixed an issue with the setup
- Fixed an issue with the NoMailboxSync flag
Note: We changed the trial mode of GALsync.
The GALsync policies for exports and imports to on-premise Active Directory and to Exchange Online Office 365 tenant have the usual limit of 100 analyzed objects,
but the policies to import contacts to users´ mailboxes have been limited to 20 analyzed objects.
Version 7.0.7 (27.06.2016)
- GALsync prevent the issue, that other existing objects will be modified, if an error occurs during creating objects in the Office 365 tenant.
- new GALsync icons
Version 7.0.6 (08.06.2016)
- Fixed an issue with selecting policy direction in the GALsync Policy Wizard by using the option
“No Exchange server available. Only Active Directory Preparation” on the general Exchange tab. - Fixed an issue with adding members to group where the emails syntax is different
Version 7.0.5 (01.06.2016)
- Fixed an issue with finding objects during import policy run
- Fixed an issue with selecting mailbox users and mail contacts of an Office 365 tenant
- Fixed an issue with the import option "Build the cn of the distinguishedName" (On-Premise only)
- Renamed "Directory" tab for contact import policy to "Contact Folder"
- Renamed "GALsyncLogViewer.exe" to "NETsecLogViewer.exe"
- Renamed "GALsyncPolicyExecuter.exe" to "NETsecPolicyExecuter.exe"
Note: if you use the Windows Task Scheduler for running the policies, then you have to correct the command in your scheduled tasks
Version 7.0.3 (13.05.2016)
- Fixed issue creating two primary SMTP addresses in the proxyAddresses, if the result of the import option "Modify primary SMTP address with domain" is not unique for each imported object.
- Fixed issue creating the distinguishedName for new imported contacts by using the import option "Build the cn of the distinguishedName".
Version 7.0.2 (09.05.2016)
- Fixed issue scheduling policies for Exchange Online
Version 7.0.1 (27.04.2016)
- Fixed issue with importing groups and checking their types
- Fixed issue comparing thumbnailPhoto property
- Fixed issue hiding contacts from address lists
Version 7.0.0 (12.04.2016)
With GALsync version 7.0, we added the ability to import the Global Address Lists from Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010, Exchange 2013, Exchange 2016 and Exchange Online into a subfolder within an user’s mailbox contacts.
The mailboxes need to be on an Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010, Exchange 2013, Exchange 2016 and Exchange Online environment.
Further changes:
- Redesigned the policy type selection and the general setting tabs.
- "Delete mails in GALsyncArchiv mail folder, Sent Items folder and all data files in the GALsyncArchiv folder of other data transport modes after x days" is enabled by default. GALsync will delete the data file after 7 days by default.
- Added additional log entries and additional tests during the process of creating new objects, when the distinguishedName already exists.
- Usability improvements while configuring the Exclude Object Filter
- Fixed issues with importing contacts to Exchange Online
Version 6.0.9 (10.02.2016)
- Fixed issue with old primary SMTP address by import in Exchange Online (Microsoft Office 365)
- Fixed issue with mark properties for Exchange Online (Microsoft Office 365)
- Fixed issue with test credentials for Exchange Online (Microsoft Office 365)
- Added feature Exclude Object Filter for Exchange Online (Microsoft Office 365)
- Fixed issue handle membership of big Active Directory groups
- Fixed issue with mailNickname/Alias, if it is empty or has spaces
- Fixed issue with importing multiple mail shipments with one import policy
- Fixed issue with moving uncompleted mail import shipment to GALsync archive folder
Version 6.0.8 (11.01.2016)
- Fixed issue setting checkbox on "Maximum errors to transfer data file" and "Minimum objects to transfer data file"
- Fixed issue exporting big dynamic distribution groups from O365
- Fixed issue exporting Recipient Type UserMailbox from O365
Version 6.0.7 (14.12.2015)
- Fixed issue deleting Groups on import, that are not anymore in data file
- Added feature exclude object filter for export (only on premise)
- Fixed issue reading log files
Version 6.0.6 (13.11.2015)
- Fixed issue exporting dynamic distribution group
Version 6.0.5 (04.11.2015)
- Added additional log entries during reading mailbox.
- Added additional messages during test connection.
Version 6.0.4 (19.10.2015)
- Added additional log entries during reading the data file and searching for objects.
- Fixed policy wizard issue.
- Fixed issue by exporting contacts without primary SMTP address.
Version 6.0.3 (25.09.2015)
- Check ExecutionPolicy and set ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned
- Detect version of Windows Remote Management (WinRM).
- Update ConnectionUri to "" (formerly "")
- Fixed issue with ExchangeWebService API
Version 6.0.2 (23.09.2015)
- Rename "Query Based Group" to "Dynamic Distribution Group".
- Update error message, if an invalid value should be added to the property showInAddressBook
- Fixed issue by searching for secondary smtp addresses
- Fixed issue with EO Directory Search Dialog
Version 6.0.1 (17.09.2015)
- Fixed issue by "Search for Exchange Online Objects" with askerisk
- Fixed status view with new logs
Version 6.0 (07.09.2015)
We have optimized the support of Exchange Online (Microsoft Office 365).
This enables a lot of the options, that were previously only available for on premise environments, in the cloud.
- DevComponents DotNetBar update to Version
- Update to .NET Framework 4.5.1
- New Windows Installer
- Modifying/Improving of GALsync Engine
- New sync engine for Exchange Online (Microsoft Office 365)
- More objects are now selectable for export from Exchange Online (Microsoft Office 365):
- mail-enabled MailUniversalDistributionGroup
- mail-enabled MailUniversalSecurityGroup
- mail-enabled DynamicDistributionGroup - Optional: Import SIP adresses for Exchange Online (Microsoft Office 365)
- No longer receiving emails for GALsync versions older than GALsync version 4.3
- Additional functions to generate rules to modify properties during the import
- Selected object for export can be specified in the order
- Adding detection for Windows 10 and updating translation of the Exchange server schema-version.
- Import all data files placed in a selected folder of the transfer mode FTP
- Fixed issue of object that has no mail property in the data file
- Fixed issue of object that has no distinguishedName in the data file
Version 5.1.16 (02.06.2015)
- DevComponents DotNetBar update to Version
- Fixed issue, creating sub-OUs with hyphen i.e. "OU=Company-A,OU=Import OU,DC=contoso,DC=local" (On-premise)
Version 5.1.15 (28.04.2015)
- Fixed bug during reading inbox
Version 5.1.14 (01.04.2015)
- Fixed a bug occurred during a search for existing objects
- Fixed saving old primary SMTP address during EO Export
Version 5.1.13 (10.03.2015)
- Fixed display name, which starts or ends with whitespace
Version 5.1.12 (12.01.2015)
- Fixed new line issue of property streetAddress
- Fixed export of groups with special chars like '&'
- Fixed compare grouptype
Version 5.1.11 (20.11.2014)
- Fixed legacyExchangeDN issue
Version 5.1.10 (27.10.2014)
- Fixed issue with spaces which are not allowed for email values.
- Fixed issue if email values contains asterisk
Version 5.1.9 (24.09.2014)
- Fixed issue importing objects which has no alias in the data file for Exchange Online
- Fixed issue for cloud-only scenario
- Fixed issue using "->" in policy Name
Version 5.1.8 (22.07.2014)
- Objects, which are located outside of the import OU will now be added to imported groups as member and also set as managers of imported objects, if the proxy address attribute contains the matching smtp address (even if it is not the primary SMTP address any more).
Version 5.1.7 (14.07.2014)
- Fixed issue importing objects which has no mailNickname in the data file
Version 5.1.6 (01.07.2014)
- Retain targetAddress of users and contacts
- Exclude objects of the data file for import
Version 5.1.5 (07.05.2014)
- Sort selected objects for export at the directory tab
- Delay for sending mail with the next package of a splitted data file in seconds
- Build CN of the distinguishedName
Version 5.1.4 (16.04.2014)
- Fixed issue with option "Modify target address with domain"
Version 5.1.3 (14.04.2014)
- Fixed issue with option "Delete mails in GALsyncArchiv mail folder, Sent Items folder and all data files in the GALsyncArchiv folder of other data transport modes after x days."
- Check multiple primary SMTP addresses in proxyAddresses of data file objects.
- GALsync will not import objects with multiple primary SMTP addresses in proxyAddresses and will enter a warning in the log file.
Version 5.1.2 (11.03.2014)
- Retain targetAddress of users
Version 5.1.1 (24.02.2014)
- A bug which caused endless group iteration in nested dynamic distribution groups has been fixed
Version 4.3.22 (24.02.2014)
- A bug which caused endless group iteration in nested dynamic distribution groups has been fixed
Version 5.1.0 (07.01.2014)
- DevComponents DotNetBar update to Version
- Fixed options "Maximum errors to transfer data file" and "Minimum objects to transfer data file"
- Fixed getting Global Catalog
- Build an additional secondary smtp address and add it to proxyAddresses (Only On-Premise)
- Added detection of old LegacyExchangeDN on service account. GALsync uses the value of the service account to generate the LegacyExchangeDN of newly created objects. The detection cancels the policy if the LegacyExchangeDN Syntax is outdated and throws a corresponding log message.
- Adding detection for Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2 and translating the Exchange server schema-version.
- Added support for forests without actual exchange installation, but ad preparation
- Added support to send and receive data files via Exchange Online in on-premise policies
- Change primary SMTP address of synchronized object. Change the primary SMTP address of an object in the source environment and note the old primary SMTP address in one of the ExtensionalAttributes using the prefix galsync: i.e.: ""Now the existing contact in the target environment will not be deleted and recreated, but GALsync will change the primary SMTP address.
- Activating "Modify primary SMTP address with domain" This will no longer lead to a total recreate. Instead GALsync will now change the primary SMTP address accordingly.
- Deactivating "Modify primary SMTP address with domain" Added a warning message when deactivating the option, as this will lead to a total deletion and recreation of the objects imported.
- Import all data files placed in a selected folder of the transfer mode via manual and via network share
- Fixed delete mail issue.
- Option: Exporting 'MasterOnPremise' objects from Exchange Online.
- Fixed result issue of Ambiguous Name Resolution
- Option: GALsync will send only status notification mails, if at least one error occurred during a running policy. Note: GALsync does not send a status notification mail if a policy has not been started due to an error.
Version 4.3.21 (07.01.2014)
- DevComponents DotNetBar update to Version
- Fixed options "Maximum errors to transfer data file", "Minimum objects to transfer data file"
Version 4.3.20 (02.09.2013)
- Added additional log entries when using the import option "Create sub-OUs for each sending domain" in combination with an extensionAttribute. This helps to find out if the selected property is empty on objects identified for deletion.
- Added GUI functionality preventing the user to enable "MAPI rich text format" and "Support cross-forest delegation" in conjunction as this will lead to errors
- Fixing Active Directory searches when domain name is different from object path
Version 5.0.4 (02.09.2013)
- Added additional log entries when using the import option "Create sub-OUs for each sending domain" in combination with an extensionAttribute. This helps to find out if the selected property is empty on objects identified for deletion.
- Added GUI functionality preventing the user to enable "MAPI rich text format" and "Support cross-forest delegation" in conjunction as this will lead to errors
- Fixing Active Directory searches when domain name is different from object path
Version 5.0.3 (03.07.2013)
- Fixed canonical name issue when exporting Exchange Online objects
Version 5.0.2 (24.06.2013)
- First x64 version of GALsync
- Fixing the search of Exchange Webservice URL
- Show the current process is a 64-bit process
- Logging for adding and checking groupmemberships is more detailed
- Fixed error handling after reading mailbox
- Fixing slash issue in LDAP path
- Groupmember reference and manager reference fixed when changing Primary SMTP address during import
- updated documentation manual and Whitepaper Cross-Forest Free/Busy Delegation
Version 4.3.19 (24.06.2013)
- Fixing slash issue in LDAP path
- Groupmember reference and manager reference fixed when changing Primary SMTP address during Import
- updated documentation manual and Whitepaper Cross-Forest Free/Busy Delegation
Version 4.3.18 (04.06.2013)
- Logging for adding and checking group memberships is more detailed
- Fixed error handling after reading Mailbox
Version 5.0.1 (10.04.2013)
- Fixed scheduler issue
- Fixed manual choose issue
Version 4.3.17 (10.04.2013)
- Fixed scheduler issue
- Fixed manual choose issue
Version 5 (18.03.2013)
With version 5.0 of GALsync, we added support for Exchange Web Services and PowerShell 2.0,
Enabling GALsync to synchronize with Exchange Online (Microsoft Office 365).
This also enabled us to completely remove any MAPI related DLLs and APIs by connecting to on-premise Exchange Servers using Exchange Web Services.
GALsync version 5 is able to synchronize the Global Address Lists between
Exchange 2007 SP1, Exchange 2010 SP1, Exchange 2013 and Exchange Online.
The Built-In Free/Busy Solution (Synchronizing Public Folder contents using MAPI) has been deprecated,
thus version 5.0 of GALsync enables you to set up an live Free/Busy via internet using
Online Free/Busy or MS Federation.
This new Feature brings some major improvements:
- Free/Busy data is updated live when scheduling an appointment
- More details: Depending on the settings, subject and body can be displayed
- No more transfer of Free/Busy data
- Faster policy-runs
- Less bandwidth
- Updated the GUI of GALsync to the new Windows8-Style
- Exchange mailbox connection via Exchange Web Service and not via MAPI.
- - Import setting: Add suffix to MailNickname only when GALsync creates a new contact
Version 4.3.16 (18.03.2013)
- GALsync 4 also accepts GALsync 5 license files
Version 4.3.15 (13.03.2013)
- Add another Global Catalog path
Version 4.3.14 (28.02.2013)
- Fixed AD Search Form for results above 1000 objects
Version 4.3.13 (06.02.2013)
- Fixed the search of existing smtp address in the proxyAdresses.
- Fixed building of msExchOriginatingForest value from TargetAddress and not from primary STMP Address.
- Fixed counting of analysed objects.
- Optional: Import SIP adresses.
Version 4.3.12 (24.01.2013)
- New improved schedule service
- New console application GALsyncPolicyExecuter - for manual console purposes
- AD Search Form: Columns are now sortable
- DevComponents DotNetBar update to Version
- Fixed the deletion of splitted zip files after send: Now all parts are deleted from the temp folder
Version 4.3.11 (08.01.2013)
- Fixed issue with property postOfficeBox
Version 4.3.10 (18.12.2012)
- Resolved case-sensitive issue on certain multi-value properties (i.e. proxyAddresses)
Version 4.3.9 (10.12.2012)
The following attributes modified during the import:
- givenName
- sn
The following attributes can be sync now:
- division
- otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber
- otherHomePhone
- otherIpPhone
- otherMobile
- otherPager
- otherTelephone
- url
Version 4.3.8 (26.11.2012)
- Create groups without members as contact or as group.
The export site must be the same GALsync version like the import site. - Fixed bug exporting dynamic distribution groups with nested group option.
- Fixed bug creating sub-OU import option
Version 4.3.7 (10.10.2012)
- Filtering of special char (#) in the LegacyExchangeDN, which is not allow in MailNickname
- Logging of corrupted objects in the datafile while importing as warning entry
- Setting to include all addresslists at import settings
Version 4.3.5 (31.07.2012)
- Ignore deleted GAL entries
- Fixed encrypted and uncompressed data transfer
Version 4.3.4 (03.07.2012)
Change options:
- Modify target address with domain
- Modify primary SMTP address with domain
- Modify mail address with domain
- GALsync use only the first entry of the proxyAddress that matched to change the address.
- GALsync checks that an Exchange Administrative Group is selected when Free Busy option is enabled.
- Import property modification rules can specify to source objectClasses.
Version 4.3.3 (11.06.2012)
- Synchronized properties: employeeID, employeeNumber, employeeType
Version 4.3.2 (21.05.2012)
- Fixed splitting and encrypting issue via mail
Version 4.3.1 (25.04.2012)
- Fixed mail moving and deleting issue
- Fixed encrypting issue via mail
Version 4.3 (16.04.2012)
- Global setting for email
- Splitting data files via email
- Show runtime after a policy run
- Context menu at the policy tree
- Fixed an issue to set the address lists
Version 4.2.10 (05.03.2012)
- Other LegacyExchangeDN syntax at the export of Free/Busy is allowed.
- Fixed GUI: General tab is visible again.
- Enhanced logging at the scheduler.
Version 4.2.8 (25.01.2012)
- The PolicyExecuter now writes into the Windows Event Log, when an error occurs. The Source is listed as "GALsyncService".
- In the Directory -> Choose menu, you can now also select containers, which enables you to select the "Users" container.
Version 4.2.7 (19.01.2012)
- Nested Groups: This will also include any groups and their members that are nested in any found group.
- Search for the primary SMTP address is not case sensitive.
- Advanced Messages on the Import->Directory->Properties Form.
- Synchronize the msExchExtensionAttribute16 - msExchExtensionAttribute45 property
Version 4.2.5 (12.12.2011)
- Fixed loop issue at the "Synchronize manager" option.
Version 4.2.4
- You can now choose the address list your contacts will show up in.
- Property Modification: You can now ignore the same properties on both import and export.
- You can now choose to set the property msExchPolicyEnabled when importing
- You can now sync ThumbnailPhoto
- Added compatibility for Cross-Forest Delegation (GALsync handles the contact sync according to “Manually Creating a cross-forest mail contact” - If AD Schema is not accessible, GALsync will now use a default property list.
- Renamed the setting "Hidden Objects included" to "Include hidden objects".
Version 4.2.3
- Exchange Logon procedure expanded to solve logon issues
Version 4.2.2
- Optimized Free/Busy exporting procedure
- Fixed encryption error that occurred when using the email transport method.
- Shows the correct name for cloned policies.
Version 4.2.1
The Lync Server Properties can now synchronize:
- msRTCSIP-DeploymentLocator
- msRTCSIP-FederationEnabled
- msRTCSIP-InternetAccessEnabled
- msRTCSIP-OptionFlags
- msRTCSIP-PrimaryHomeServer
- msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress
- msRTCSIP-UserEnabled
- msRTCSIP-UserPolicies
These new attributes are not synced by default, one has to select them manually in this form while exporting.
Further there no check or logic on import, they are just bulk imported.
Version 4.2
- Import and Export Policy Optimization
- The import and export policies have improved and now offer much better performance.
Expanded Import Options:
- Special signs within MailNickname & LegacyExchangeDN for Exchange 2003 Server will be automatically replaced to support mixed Environments of Exchange 2003/2007 and 2010 SP1.
- "Use MAPI rich text format (mAPIRecipient)" can now be used when executing an Import policy
- Attribute "PersonalTitle" synchronization support has been added.
- User’s Manager Details can now be Exported and Imported.
- Free/busy information that belong to contacts and not to users can now also be synchronized
- The main SMTP address can now separately be handled from TargetAddress and Mail Address
- Auto Purging of Outlook Sent Messages and the GALsyncArchiv folder. By default this option is turned off. The recommended number of days is 30.
- Added an object counter to export policy
- GALsync installer and Scheduler Service has been improved and redesigned
- New and improved advanced logging has been added.
- Added the ability to export and Import of policy configuration and logging files